воскресенье, 19 мая 2013 г.

Expanding Horizons

Have you ever heard about Richard Yates,one of the greatest American novelists of the middle of the 20th century? Maybe you remember the film 'Revolutionary Road'(2008) directed by Sam Mendes  starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio? This film is based on a novel by Richard Yeats. He was recognized only after his death, and became one of the most revered classics of American literature. By clicking this link you will find an interesting article about his brilliant novel ' Revolutionary Road: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2004/sep/18/featuresreviews.guardianreview26

On the official website of Oprah Winfrey in section 'Books' you can find very interesting articles about new events in the world of literature and also watch her interview with writers and critics and even find a guide which will give you witty recommendations how to improve your writing: http://www.oprah.com/book_club.html

 'Children's Literature for Children, Inc. (CLC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to getting books to children. CLC has served disadvantaged children at home and abroad for four decades by holding book drives, starting library collections, building libraries, and teaching children to read and create a love for books'- this is the part of an introductory article of this organization, which in the best way reveals its essence: http://childrensliterature.org Here you can discover the information about programs and even help these decent people to help children.

2 комментария:

  1. I would like to just say few words about Oprah.

    I had a chance to read one research about her influence in terms of her book club TV show. I must say that I never heard about it before, so it was very interesting for me to read it. But what was the most interesting for me is how she is contributing into something meaningful like reading books. And her influence is huge, according to the research most of the books she recommended were the best sellers in that time.

    I am writing this, because I believe that using prominent figure to promote something that is slowly 'dying' in our culture is extremely rewording - for her, for society, for everyone. I mean, I believe that one day hard copies of books will be a history, and everyone who can help should participate in this process to put more stress on reading a regular book instead of watching 'stupid' TV shows.


    1. I absolutely agree with you, Michaela. Oprah is a great, highly educated person, and I am glad that that kind of people still exist. Her idea of creating a 'Book Club' is intelligent and endlessly useful.
      Thank you for your comment!
